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      It needs courage to transcend limitations but we prefer to cower down under the comforter where it feels cozy. It may feel cozy but it does not give you freedom of the soul. One day you will have to shake off that comforter and get up. One saint used to say that although we pray to the Lord to make us free from the pain, discomfort, disease and so on, what really binds us are our comforts, conveniences and things that give us pleasure. Why? You want to avoid the painful things but what gives you comfort, convenience and pleasure you get attached to and it is very hard to give up. That saint used to say, “Praise the things that give you pain because they will awaken you sooner than your comforts and conveniences.”
      In a gift shop I happened to find a note card with a quote by Kabir that said: “If you want your dreams to come true, then awaken.” In awakening there is a great joy. I don’t mean necessarily a physical awakening but a mental awareness. You feel peace, you feel lighter, you feel loving and loved too. And That thou art. And what is higher than that? It is beyond names, beyond words, beyond description. It is you, what you are. If you have courage you will awaken. Remind yourself that is why you practice daily, why you pray, meditate, do yoga, read books and scriptures and hear Satsang. It is to remind ourselves of what we have forgotten, to remind ourselves of our goal, the focus of our lives, and not forget it in relationships and activities.
      Whether you receive praise or blame, keep on the path. Keep going as long as you are alive. That is the nature of the spiritual warrior, one who is brave enough to follow the path. Spiritual warriors are not reactionary fighters. On the contrary, they are self-suffering. But they know how to proceed. Be selfless, consistent and have faith in your Lord, your Master, your Guru, your God. Few can be wise; millions can be fools. Have courage—that is important. As the Mundaka Upanishad proclaims: Nayamatma balahinena labhyah—“Self-Realization is not for the weak.” Those are the greatest warriors on this earth who do not wield any weapons, who do not react even though they may seem vulnerable. Inside they remain still and unaffected. And they are worshipped for thousands of years to come.

      Why did we come on this earth? To learn lessons. Let us learn whatever needs to be learned, to answer the eternal questions: Why do we have pain, misery, ignorance, sadness, depression, disease, decay, old age and death? Why are we still angry, greedy, selfish, violent, self-aggrandizing and self-deluded, psychologically and spiritually? We are piling up atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, neutron bombs, chemical warfare, germ warfare and such things. Why should we do that, against whom? Humanity against humanity? And how many bombs and chemicals do we need to destroy ourselves? We have enough, probably five hundred times more than we should have. Obviously we have not given up selfishness, we have not given up anger, retaliation and reactions. These are ego wars.
      This is one world, one globe. Against whom are we fighting? Try to understand me: we are destroying ourselves. Why are we hearing so much about pollution and conservation and save the earth programs? Who spoiled it? We did. We have to take responsibility and not blame others. We have the highest amount of medicine ever created, billions and billions of dollars worth, and no respite from disease. We are denuding the forests, mining and destroying the natural habitats and beauty of Mother Earth. Has our selfishness or greed decreased? It has increased. Individualism has multiplied. We have forgotten the real goal. Therefore we need to be reminded. No one has yet succeeded in destroying others and remaining intact. History tells us this.
      The wise are those who think twice before they act. Fools act first and then think. Our job is to remind you to be sensible. Be aware of where you are and what you are. Don’t be reckless. Take responsibility for your mind. In this way you will make your mind peaceful. You will come to terms with your mind, then you can meditate. Make your mind free from greed, anger, selfishness, condemnation, blaming of others, jealousy and take responsibility for what you do. When we avoid taking responsibility we are delaying our progress. Realize your ultimate education, why you have come to this earth. It is not too difficult—please believe me! Only if you go the wrong way is it difficult. We can threaten God that we will turn our face from Him. God doesn’t threaten, of course, but if He turns His face away, then what? We are back into darkness. Transcend your barriers and limitations. Get back to that original religion of man, the universal path without labels.

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