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Charaiveti, charaiveti, a
famous aphorism from the
Rig Veda: keep on going,
keep on going. Consistency
is one of the greatest virtues
for spiritual seekers.

      We can only start from where we are. Let me put it more deeply: you start where you are aware, where you are more fully conscious to see where you stand. It is an awareness process. If you rise, you can only rise from where you are; if you fall, you can only fall from where you are. So what are you to do? Just be aware where you are. When you start where you are, you do not end there. You end in the goal. That is why the reminder is necessary, and why Satsang and spiritual practices are necessary. Therefore pilgrimages are necessary and reading scriptures and inspirational books is necessary. Therefore chanting is necessary, love of nature is necessary and conservation of forests and resources is necessary. Therefore loving our fellow beings and being charitable is necessary, not hurting others is necessary, not wasting time and energy is necessary, ad infinitum. If we mind our own business and focus on our goal, by whatever name we call it—God, Divine Mother, Peace, Bliss, Consciousness, Light, Enlightened Beings—I don’t think we have any time or energy left to condemn or blame anyone or anything. The enlightened ones of any country or faith do not divide or differentiate ever. It is our misinterpretation and ignorance that makes their teachings divisive.
      Our purpose on this earth is to come back from where we have fallen, from where we have slipped, from what we have forgotten: our ultimate ancient truth, which is beyond time and space. Time and space are mechanisms created by the mind. The most supreme eternal goal is beyond time and space. So if we are caught in the world of time and space, how shall we do something beyond time and space? That is why we need to be reminded: this is not you! The real you is beyond time and space, not bound by these limitations. Therefore transcend the barriers in order to realize the real you, your True Self, your Light, your God, your Pure Consciousness, your Source. Then you will see how the creation is really enjoyable.

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