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      When God reveals His higher mansions, you will know that you were unnecessarily stuck in these other mansions. This is where dispassion is necessary. This is where perspective—looking at things in their true nature—is necessary. This is where boldness and courage are necessary. Where you have faith in the Lord, that He knows and will do the best. This is not brainwashing, as the term is used, though it does clean the brain of cobwebs and suffocating smog and pollution. Have sustained practices and carry on until the door opens.
      What we cling to, as justification and practicality, may simply be shallow thinking. In India people go to temples daily and it is a common saying that some go to meet the priest, some go to meet their friends or find a girlfriend or boyfriend, some go to be religious, just to bow down as a ritual, but very few go there for God. See that your motives are pure. Let it take time but go on doing your practices with your whole being. Do your yoga and meditation as taking refuge in your goal. Plug the leakages that waste your energy, whether it is through your eyes or ears or your mind. Keep the senses alive but do not misuse them. Use them for God’s sake. That is called purification of the senses. If you burn incense, feel that God is smelling the fragrance through your nose. The time will come when you will not find any bad smells at all.
      Everything that is negative or unpleasant has been created by our desires and gratifications, including thoughts and actions. If we have no peace of mind, it is because of this. In God’s creation, personal ambitions, desires and egotistical gratifications have no place. In His Kingdom everything is sweet perfumery and joyful. When we devote our minds unto Him, our personal gratifications and ambitions will be transformed into the covenants that will guide our lives. Look to your growth as evolving, unfolding, going higher as it naturally can and should be. Learn to see the true nature of things. Use the senses but do not think that is the end of your perceptions. If you cannot surrender unto the Lord, then at least practice daily, so that ego is reduced and you begin to do for Him, not for you. If God gives you graces, be humble that you are privileged and blessed rather than being egotistical.

      The Light is around you and in you all the time. You are living and moving in the ocean of Light. As Kabir wrote, “We are living on the banks of the river but remain thirsty.” Break that wall around you—the floodlight will pour in. It is suffocated and closed minds that shut out the Light. You can be fully illumined, infinite and eternal. We have to transcend whatever limited conceptions keep us in this capsule of me. Learn how to break the barriers of your personality. Merge your ego unto the Lord and joyfully float into the ocean of Light. This is not just philosophy or poetry—you are whirling through this Light space all the time, even here and now. Why are you not seeing it? You are stuck in me. That me keeps us bound and then we do not see. Therefore me has to merge unto That, which is eternal. For millions of years we have been glued to me—my life, my children, my personality, my family, my culture, my religion, my things, my likes, my dislikes, my relatives, the way I look at things. And all the time we are blind to the Light, which is here and everywhere, outside and inside us.
      The Light of God is all pervading. Even between any two stars or planets it is all light, what to speak of between two persons. You do not see it because you are used to seeing three-dimensionally. If your consciousness opens to the fourth dimension, you will see Light everywhere. Breaking the barriers needs courage and egolessness. Then you plunge into Illumination. It is already there—that Light by which we are living. It is by that Light that we are being guided. It is that Light by which we are seeking and that Light by which we will reach the Light. Your True Self is always there, shining. Make God first and foremost in your life. This needs a spirit of recognizing truth. Believe that Light is in you and around you all the time. Then you will see Him. There could be no other greater blessing by the Lord. It is up to you to realize it. 

© 2008 Teaching from the basis of eternal Truth, the message of Swami Amar Jyoti's Satsangs (Sanskrit: communion with Truth) is one of deep spiritual unity.  His way is not to espouse a particular creed but to impart a spiritual way of life.   He spent four decades (from 1961-2001) awakening and uplifting countless souls around the world to God-consciousness and disseminating the timeless Truth underlying all traditions and faiths.  Prabhushri Swamiji is the author of several books; over seven hundred of His oral discourses, illuminating the classical path for modern times, are available on CD and audiocassette.
This Satsang is edited from  Evolution to the Fourth Dimension (C-27). The entire released collection of Audio Satsangs of Swami Amar Jyoti are available on CD and Audiocassette. Please see the Audio Satsang Catalog at truthconsciousness.org or call us at 520-743-8821 for a free copy by mail.
Photos| Page 1: Swami Amar Jyoti at Desert Ashram, 1984
Page 2: Hands and rose, Saniphoto | Fotolia.com
Page 4: Hiker, Julien Rousset | Fotolia.com
Page 6: Sunrise prayer, Ximagination | istockphoto.com

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