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The Light is around you
and in you all the time.
You are living and moving
in the ocean of Light.

      If the situation you are in is not within your own grasp and control, then that weakness will cause you to suffer. But there is a way out that you are not seeing: If you take refuge in the Lord, He will tell you, “There is a door open. Come in!” Your three-dimensional eyes cannot see that doorway, so how can you believe it is there? God tells you, “Shut all your windows and doors and sit silently; I’ll release you. Close your ears, your eyes and mouth. Sit in silence. Go within. I’ll give you Emancipation.” When you close the doors and windows of your three-dimensional existence, the fourth dimension opens. This shutting down of your three-dimensional faculties—which is called renunciation—is not a great sacrifice. We are closing the three dimensions and He is going to open the fourth. It’s a good bargain. Therefore He says, “Don’t externalize your senses or your mind too much by projection; let it happen as unfoldment.” You will remain riveted to your inner True Self and everything will happen as it should happen. Mysteriously the fourth dimension opens. Then if you look back to the three-dimensional reality you will see it quite differently.
      In the fourth dimension you will be aware of lower dimensions but your possibilities and scope will be tremendously greater, let’s say a million times more. In that reality, this light is not necessary. Staircases are not necessary. Doors are not necessary. Therefore banks are not necessary or industries or automobiles. There is no smog and a fresh breeze is not necessary. You are in different elements. Then if you look back at the third dimension—diseases and hospitals, refugee camps, criminals, the destitute, prostitutes and so many things—you will have compassion. You will see that life does not need to be this way.

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