In contrast to
progress in which you grow step by step, stage by stage, from one level to the
next, in transformation you jump to an entirely new level. It is a total and
abrupt change in thought and values. Although transformation is not transcendence,
which is still higher, it does transcend all of our current valuations. Transformation
is a quantum leap to something quite beyond our present human condition, a breakthrough
to our true Being. This potential for transformation is within every one of
Transformation does not reject progress; it simply goes beyond it. Your thinking
process will change completely; some have called this the higher mind or overmind.
You will be very joyful, peaceful and wise. ESP or intuition will be your common
nature. You will not think and decide; you will see and know.
Answers will be revealed before your eyes. The entire social structure will
be quite different. How this happens, you can hardly imagine. Vibrations transform;
matter transforms into a divine element.
You are not able to see this now, just as when you look at stone or wood you
see only stone or wood but within there are many unseen qualities and structures.
Within our own body-mind complex it is possible to jump from a crawling, brooding
existence to a totally new Being. Considerations such as What will happen
to this and this? do not even occur at that point. On the contrary, if at
all you choose to remember your past, you might say well gone; you will
be relieved to be free of it.