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      Whenever you feel depressed, for the time being your love has dried up. If you are fighting with someone, at that time you will find that you are not thinking of Love at all. When you have any tension, heaviness, selfishness, greed, or quarreling, you will see that Love was missing at that moment. Bring in love and all these things evaporate. And this love also satisfies your urge to love or to be loved. It is fulfilled automatically. Love is its own satisfaction. If I love you, it satisfies me also. It is not an extra ingredient we acquire on the human level. Your Love is inborn. It is your nature. It is not only part and parcel, it is you in such a way that you do not even see that you have it.

YOU, ME AND EVERYTHING IN CREATION is actually a corrupted form of matter, but we do not see it that way. We see beautiful trees, mountains, birds, animals and human beings. Actually, all matter has the same origin, but when we are not satisfied with the sameness, we create variety. Then we need different emotions, affections and expressions of love. But basically, at the agape level of pure, unconditional Love, you do not need expressions and emotions. We call it corruption because you did not stay at the purest level of Love; therefore you need these expressions and relationships. It is all simply to have what you started with in the first place. If you were satisfied with white light, you would not need a rainbow of colors, but you like colors because they are enjoyable and pleasant. However, they represent a corruption of that pure Light.

      You do not see it that way because in that original Love, though you were fully satisfied, somehow you thought to create further, which means to degrade further. And once you started this degrading to expressions of love and affection, emotions and relationships, you also started the opposing factor: tensions, hatred, anger, revenge. All these are antonyms of Love, just as death is the opposite of life. If you were settled and residing in that Love, life and death would not seem different at all. Death would be a very natural transition. When you reside back into that Love, all your depression, tensions or worries will evaporate in no time. The Prophets, Sages and Realized Souls have this safety valve. Whenever tensions build up, any heaviness or working on the karmas of people, they reside back into loving all and are released right away.
      One thing you should understand: if it is real Love, it will be releasing. That will be a very clear indication. If it is not pure Love, it will degrade into attachment and bondage. If it is real Love, then you will feel free. Without sacrificing Love, you will be released. Therefore we understand why Krishna, Jesus, Buddha and others love humanity. They are dispassionate, Liberated. Why do they not just leave us as we are? Because they love us. They do not consider whether we deserve it or not. They just love, in spite of whatever we may be.

Edited from a Satsang entitled Love of Creator and Creation, given on December 24, 1998, during The Perfection of Love Retreat, with brief additional material from an unpublished Satsang.


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