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     Just know yourself and you will know everything. You do not need telescopes for that. Your third eye will open and that is your telescope. God has given us this instrument with which we can see through the universe and beyond—instantly. You can see, feel, hear, touch and smell through the third eye. I am not against science; I am simply saying that the same things can be known more easily and quickly by knowing yourself. Jesus said: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” Socrates said, “Know thyself.” In the Upanishads the sages revealed: “Brahman1 is within you.”
      In the ultimate analysis, truth is beyond your ideas, conceptions and words. It is indescribable. You are that already. You have to realize what you are, not what you will be. What you will be cannot be realized. That is changing. It is tied up with time conception. Truth cannot be known within conceptualization, whether it is scientific conceptualization or religious conceptualization. Whether it is scientific dogma or religious dogma, both are barriers. Science can be as dogmatic as religion. A scientist can be as dogmatic as a priest. To know the truth, you have to go beyond all these conceptions.
      It is easy, but if you are going elsewhere to know, you are delaying. If you say, “Let me think about it, experience it, then I’ll meditate,” you are putting it off, as you have put it off for so many decades or births. That which is always with you, there is nothing else to do except realize. To realize is to give up ego, whether it is a Jewish ego or Hindu ego or Christian ego or Muslim ego; whether it is an American ego, Indian ego, African ego or European ego; whether it is a male ego or female ego; whether it is a white ego, black ego, or any color ego. Whether it is a scientific ego, a religious ego or a swami ego, you have to go beyond what you are to get into Consciousness, into Light. It is you who have to realize that God is there. He has never left you.
      What is the real address of God? Go on asking all over the galaxies. Then when you get very fatigued and go somewhere to rest and relax, you will find peace. Somebody tells you, “Unless you become a Hindu or a Christian or a Buddhist you cannot realize God.” Okay, then you change your religion. Go on changing your religion, God is never there. You have to forget even where you are, what you are— any identification, whether it is religious, scientific, national, political or economic. This is where you go beyond “isms” and dogmas, when you are not bound by any habitual conception.

      Light shines everywhere, within and around you. Whether you are a sinner or a virtuous person; forget these conceptions. What you have done is done. You have to realize what you are. Go into that transcendence, you will see that it absorbs everything. It is all Light. Nothing has ever happened. An atom shines here, here, here in such a consecutive manner that it forms a succession that you call speed. It is not really so. Speed is an illusion. An example of this is a motion picture. People and images seem to be moving but it is an illusion. The entire universe is the same. From atom to atom it happens in such an accelerated way that to your gaze it looks like motion, but it is not. A time will come when scientists will tell you that nothing is traveling.
      When we preach about detachment and disinterestedness, non-possessiveness, non-greediness, it is only to release your consciousness from the bondage and clinging with which you are identified. When you release your consciousness, you are Liberated. And then if you want to go there and know, instantly you can vanish here and reappear there. The very next moment you could be billions of light-years away. You transcend speed and motion. Nothing else will give you satisfaction and bliss. We have tried everything. Any station in life, any possessions or relationships—do they satisfy us fully? Whether through science or spirituality, you can never be satisfied with untrue identifications. The simplest truth is: Know thyself. Just go within and know who you are: your spirit, God, is within you.  

  1. In Vedic wisdom, Brahman is the unchanging, infinite, immanent, Supreme Reality.
© 2009 by Truth Consciousness. Teaching from the basis of eternal Truth, the message of Swami Amar Jyoti’s Satsangs (Sanskrit: communion with Truth) is one of deep spiritual unity. His way is not to espouse a particular creed but to impart a spiritual way of life. During four decades (1961-2001) He awakened and uplifted countless souls around the world to God Consciousness, disseminating the timeless Truth underlying all traditions and faiths. Gurudeva is the author of several books; over seven hundred of His wisdom teachings illuminating the classical path for modern times are available on CD and audiocassette.  This Satsang is edited from  Beyond Time and Space (O-17). A catalog of Satsangs on CD and cassette is available at truthconsciousness.org, or call us at 520-743-8821 for a free copy by mail. Photo on Page 1: Swami Amar Jyoti at Desert Ashram, Tucson AZ, 1984. Art credits: Galaxies p 2: NASA, ESA and A. Nota (STScI/ESA); Background: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STSCI/AURA)—ESA/Hubble Collaboration | Galaxy p 4: NASA/CXC/CFA/P. Slane et al | Girl p 6: photomorphic |istockphoto.com

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