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      It is easy to curse, easy to blame, easy to pass the buck, easy to be nasty to others, but most difficult to relax and bless. Agitated minds cannot bless; peaceful minds do. Peaceful minds forgive; disturbed minds create quarrels, battles and wars. That is why Krishna gave ample chances to the disturbed minds of the Kauravas and their arch leader, Duryodhan. He gave plenty of opportunities for them to negotiate terms, to talk peacefully, not under the duress of coercion. He gave many explanations, but they did not come to peace, even though the Lord Himself, as the Prophet, was trying to mend matters. When ultimately they threatened Him, Krishna said, “We’ll see you in the battlefield.” And we all know the results.2
      Maintain your relaxed attitude. Do not fight with your mind. Just mind your business; grow deeper by discriminating between the Real and unreal, and by cultivating faith. Maintain both together: your heart and mind on the Light, on Consciousness, and your activities with the phenomena, maya. Do not separate them. If you are separating them you are creating confusion. Where the light and darkness meet there is not even a line. Seemingly there is a line but that line cannot be called dark or light. Both ways apply there, so imperceptible is the line. Which means what? They are inseparable. Do not try to separate the Real and the unreal, the permanent and impermanent. The open secret is: darkness does not overlap or penetrate Light; Light penetrates the darkness. You can bring Light into darkness, you cannot take darkness into Light. Therefore there is no fear. Darkness will never win.

      Does that mean, therefore, that we should fight with darkness? No, because if you are doing so, darkness is fighting the darkness—like Don Quixote fighting a windmill. When you are fighting or agitated, you are perpetuating the darkness. Only peaceful minds can bring Light into darkness. This is a peaceful way to reach Pure Consciousness. Then you will not feel superior to others. You will not be ambitious to try to supercede others. What remains? You just be. You live spontaneously, consciously. Then you are a perfect instrument of the Lord.
      Consciousness is our heritage, our innermost nature, a spontaneous, natural, childlike state. That is what makes you an instrument of the Divine. You are joyful and creative. You are not only an instrument of God, you are God. Will you be aware you are God? No. If you are aware of yourself as God, you will tumble down again. You do not name it, you simply be. That is Being. Until insight and concentration merge into Pure Consciousness, you are expanding. When you plunge into the ocean of Consciousness, you are no longer expanding, you are pervading. That Enlightenment may come to very few, those who are pure instruments of the Lord, who do not lie thrice before the cock crows, who do not, for thirty pieces of silver, sell the Lord. They are not instruments who tell the Lord, “If you want one inch of land, come and fight in the battlefield.” Of course, Krishna, with His sudarshan chakra,3 could have finished the whole army of the Kauravas in a moment.

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