The higher you go, the more powerful you become, the more bounties God gives you, maintain humility. Humility does not mean weakness. True humility is a sign of greatness.


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Expanded consciousness is vertical growth and that is the next evolution for which we have been waiting for ages. If we unfold our consciousness according to the demands of the next evolution, Mother will pour—and is pouring—Her energy through us; She supplies the shakti. We have a very great responsibility. We have to keep open. And we cannot keep open if “me” is obstructing. “Me” has to move away from the gate so that Mother can enter—not only Her shakti but wisdom and Lordship. These are the times that come once in ages when tremendous power, strength and energy are needed. And the source of that power is Consciousness.
      When we derive strength and energy directly in this way, it is a very conscious power, not blind. That is what will dispel the darkness and thrust us into the next evolution. You may not even know that you have reached this level except that you begin to see better, to feel better and lighter. All of a sudden you have reached the level of insight. What then? In most cases, unless you are very humble, insight will tend to make you more egotistical because you feel you know more and understand more and are higher than the average person. The temptation, through desire or unconsciously, comes to rule over others because you are still partially unconscious, though higher than your previous understanding, based upon rationality and intellect. Within our partial unconsciousness at that level we get tempted with the power of maya—darkness and unconsciousness. We are tempted to have more gratifications, more privileges or mental powers. Few will not succumb to this temptation.

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