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Peace movements, slogans, festoons and processions do not bring peace. We have to be the embodiment of peace; otherwise we end up fighting among ourselves. The world will have peace in one year if we go the right way.

WHATEVER WE HAVE DONE that has disturbed our peace, we have to come to terms with it, to understand it, accept the responsibility and mend it. Peace is a God-given treasure for everyone. It is no one’s monopoly. If you or I have lost our peace, we must accept that there is something wrong within us. Put your finger on the main issue or issues. Don’t forgive yourself in those matters. The judgment is: if you are in peace, you are on the right track. When you begin to doubt others, that is an ego defense mechanism. The truth is that I have lost my faith and my trust but I don’t want to put my finger on that, so I doubt others. Doubting others makes me great. This aggressiveness is a self-defense, which is actually a seed of war. Before others find fault with me, I begin to accuse them. Apply this to nations, conflicts and battles; it is the same principle.

       Peace is sattvic, the highest quality of the mind according to yoga theory. Sattva is a mind that is tranquil, calm and quiet. First pacify and relax your mind and thoughts: free them from impatience, anxieties, worries, dishonesty, selfishness, untruthfulness and complexities; then only can peace be achieved. God is merciful. He is not taking anything away from us. If we lose anything it is due to our faults, our vices, our selfishness, our egotistical nature. God has given everything—why should He take anything away? What does He need? We lose by our misdeeds, our selfishness, our untruth. He has given us wisdom, strength, love, freedom and joy. If we have lost part of it or the whole of it, it is due to our mistakes or wrongdoing. God is still merciful. Call Him—He is there. But it has to be very honest, genuine and child-like. When He hears a transparently clear, pure-hearted call, I can vouchsafe it, He will not give you one rebuke. He is the most loving One, provided we come to right terms.

© Lindsay Baronoskie/Dreamstime.com

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