In the Vedas they speak of the various ages—the Golden Age, Silver Age,
Copper Age and Iron Age. It is written that in the Golden Age1 there is
nearly seventy-five percent dharma, truth or righteous living. And then in
the Silver and Copper Age, dharma reduces gradually until we come to the
present times, the Iron Age, Kali Yuga, when truth and dharma are
only about twenty-five percent. What does this imply? When the way we behave
and deal in relationships, with things of the world and with our own mind is
hardly twenty-five percent on righteousness, this is called perversion. It
is not exactly the opposite of the Golden Age, but in this degradation, we
lose the spontaneity or fresh view of living.
The vedic term for the golden Age is Sat Yuga or Satya Yuga, literally “the
Age of Truth.”
What is perversion? It means the things we should be serious about we’re
not, and the things we shouldn’t be serious about we are. This is what I
meant by the “seriousness rut.” The goal or purpose of life, that highest
attainment for which we are born, loses the seriousness it should have. Here
seriousness is synonymous with concentration or focus. And then day-to-day
issues that should not be serious but are just a part of natural living,
become serious. When this happens our mind loses track of the ultimate goal
or purpose of life; we get distracted in side issues. Therefore we miss the
joy of the journey. It’s not only philosophically so—let’s take it more
practically. The journey could be joyful but when we get stuck or distracted
on the way, we miss the ultimate goal, which is what we are all searching
for in our own way.