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Even if you suppress your mind, it will go on subconsciously squeezing you. I am not using traditional words like sin, but what else is a sin?
      Suppress the Truth, try to be cheerful in untruth, and you will see that you create chronic diseases. Things that are lying in the subconscious are going to awaken in you and trouble you. Even though you may put up a cheerful front for the time being, you cannot do it your whole life. At certain opportune times, untruth is going to come out. And it will create reactions like fear, negativity, resentfulness, jealousy, insecurity, and so on. So to get rid of the fear, which is a disease, you have to be very truthful.

OFTEN WE SACRIFICE TRUTH only because the forces of falsehood or untruthfulness at that time seem profitable or look nice. But I am sure, without exception, that without Truth there is no security, there is no freedom, happiness or peace. Whether it is the Fifteenth Century or Twenty-First Century, without Truth we should not even hope to have peace, happiness, joy and freedom! Even love and friendliness cannot be based on other than Truth. If you can accept this as a principle at least, you can grow in the right way. That is called initiation into the Way. A Tao, a direction is there. Without Truth there is no initiation, there is only a blind alley.
      In essence, Truth has no alternative, as I see it. Nothing else can make you bold and courageous.

I know people can be proud and arrogant based on untruth, but that is not boldness. If you avoid facing yourself, facing me, or anyone, you are just delaying. In no case have I have seen that we can overstate the Truth. Avoid Truth day in day out, month after month, year after year, your mind will go on playing tricks and games. And all the time you remain hungry after peace, happiness, love, satisfaction and Oneness.
      This leads us to another point: discipline, fearlessness, courage and awakening are for what? Lately I have been contemplating what is it that humanity really wants or is missing as a whole. In one sense we can say they are not worshipping God. But in the immediate sense, what is it that millions are missing or wanting? Let’s give an example. When you wander and you get tired, don’t you think of getting back to your home sweet home? But when you get back home, you are happy and in peace for some days or months, and then again you find yourself losing peace. That proves that it is not your true home. The idea behind a home is restfulness, poise and satisfaction. That restfulness is what we miss. The common sense answer is that there is a home somewhere within us where the idea exists of restfulness that we would never lose. But because we do not find that true home within us, we call some temporary phenomenon our home. We do not get permanent restfulness because there is no truly restful home other than our own True Self.

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