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The Mind our greatest journey, Satsang by Swami Amar Jyoti       This whole search is of the mind, by the mind and for the mind. It is not for God. The search for Him would stop the mind or transcend the mind. The mind cannot search the Divine or know the Divine. You search within your mind to know your mind in order to transcend your mind. With the mind you do not get Enlightened. Between the belief and the conclusion—Enlightenment or Superconsciousness—is only the play of the mind. Everything is within the mind’s play: any justification, non-justification, sorrow, suffering, pleasant things, optimism, pessimism, regrets, hope, blaming, ambitions, fulfillments, digression, stagnation—the whole dictionary from cover to cover. Since you get busy and tied up with the details of that book, certain things appeal to you. It is all within your mind.

WE SEE DREAMS WITHIN DREAMS and we think we are awake. The mind’s projection is like the ocean; it is not limitless but because we do not see the other shore it seems that way. It encompasses everything from A to Z. And for the time being I am including meditation in this play as well, although that is the last door you will go through in order to come out of the mind. Otherwise any analysis, projection, path, belief or “ism” is within the mind. Therefore we do not harp much upon differences of paths and beliefs because we are talking mind within the mind, blindly groping in the dark. We are touching the same elephant. I may be touching his tail and you may be touching his ear or stomach, but if we start fighting or analyzing or discussing or comparing one part with another, we will never realize that it is one animal. We are touching the same mind, distinguishing and deliberating. There are a few souls on this earth who stand apart and watch this hypnotism. We call them wise men.
      All our conferences and seminars are within the same dreams. In the dreamland we meet each other and go on discussing our present happenings. And by morning everyone is back in the bottle. Very few are awakened. The Awakened Ones travel into your dreamland and tell you, “You are joined by a silver cord with your bottle and you are talking in your dreams but you are not aware.” Since you are not aware, since you are one with your self-hypnotism, naturally you think this guy is crazy. There is a line: “In this mad world only the mad are sane.” Sleeping souls think Awakened Ones are crazy or if not crazy, at least beyond our limits. To them the Enlightened One looks impractical so we do not do what he does, as if it does not apply to us. But you cannot say that you believe in an Enlightened Being and then do whatever you want. You are canceling the whole thing. There are certain qualities of the Perfected Ones that are universal.

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