Master, you have said that
God created both the spiritual and the material. How can that be harmonized?
between the spiritual
and the material, but until we reach that stage there is a distinction on the
mental level. Let’s dwell on that a little bit. As a matter of fact, this morning
I came across a line that says, “Those whose goal is materialism, their life
is heavy, boring and painful. And those whose goal is spiritual, their life
is joyful and fulfilling.” Before we mingle them together into one, what exactly
is material and spiritual?
Since many, many ages, the aspiration of seers and seekers has been to harmonize
both: the Kingdom of God on earth that we have been dreaming about. But in our
dualistic, relative plane of thinking, we have separated the material and spiritual.
What is materialism? The Sanskrit word for materialism is jaravadha—jar:
inert, vadha: ism. Inertism. But offhand we could say that materialism
is that which pertains to matter. What is matter? We could say matter is that
which is gross, which you can perceive with the senses; something that is three-dimensional.
Physically we live in the material realm. The body is material; our food is
material; air is material; water is material; the house you live in is material;
the communication modes you use are made of matter. Except our thoughts and
feelings, we primarily exist in the material plane. In other words, can we live
a life without using matter? No. So if we condemn material life, we have to
condemn the whole physical gross world, and that will be ridiculous..