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      Man was made in the image of God—we should be godly. Why should there even be scope for hypocrisy, betrayal, diabolism and selfishness? Man can degrade himself or can make himself divine—whichever we choose. Putting on a badge of religion does not make us religious. It is what we are that makes the difference. If it’s real, it’s real; if it’s not real, it’s not real. How can the non-real exist? The simple Vedantic reply is: the non-real does not exist. Words and thoughts are a part of perception; they say things but that does not make them real. I may show you the moon in a reflecting pool but it is not the real moon. Then how does it reflect? This is the whole phenomenon you are trying to know.
      Truth cannot be reflected upon. Truth radiates and we see its reflection. All the discoveries and investigations, systems and “isms,” are a reflection of the illusion, of fleeting particles. That reflection is so real and tangible for us that we cannot leave it. This is what sages call dead habits, ignorance, delusion. Since this is so real for us, the Truth, Light and God are as if nonexistent. Therefore we worship mammon. You cannot win over God. You cannot reject Him and have your own will. Your true identity is true identity. If you miss it, you miss it. Therefore, I always say: don’t use intellect too much. Use your intellect to discriminate: what is the shadow and what is Reality. Beyond that, intellect has no meaning.

      You have put too much faith in an unreal reflection. Howsoever you may love the reflection, it is not going to be Real. See it with sage-like eyes, knowing that the Reality is something else. Just abide by that. You are not negating the reflection. Let it remain. But let your eye be on the Reality, God, Light, the Absolute. Then you will play with the reflection very well. When you perceive in this way, you are no longer a perceiver. You are That. You know that the reflection is simply vibratory, and this releases you. It gives you salvation, emancipation. When you realize your Spirit, your Light, you will play very rhythmically, in tune. You will know how to dance.
      Being in tune is not mutuality, fighting for equal rights or exploitation. Exploitation can only exist as long as there is self-interest. As long as you are seeking your selfish ends, you will be vulnerable to exploitation. As long as you are greedy, you can be deceived. As long as you have attachments, others will take advantage of you. If you are in tune with your neighbor, with your work environment, with the life around you, you do not have to fight for rights or interests. Come in tune and you will have these. Therefore selfishness has no meaning, taking sides and favoritism have no meaning, and so on. When you flow in tune with creation, beautifully and sweetly, you will see the supreme purpose of life: to dance in joy and to know. The sages call this satchitananda—existence, consciousness, bliss. This is the purpose of life, to which man has to evolve. Any other purpose is fictitious and superfluous.

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