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Enlightenment is not
an effort to grab
or demand; it is an
imperceptible growth
of Consciousness
within you.

      Those who are spiritual warriors should know one goal: everything else is a passing phase. Your anger will only disturb you; it won’t disturb God. Those who doubt, fear or hate only doubt, fear and hate themselves. Sooner or later they have to pay the price. Therefore be selfless so that you do not create more samskars. See that you do not dwell upon things so that you do not form attachments and identifications, so that your mind is free for your Lord. This is the only goal worth achieving.
      The eternal religion of man has no name or label on it. We have given labels so that mind can have a little sense of belonging to, possessiveness, something tangible, a certain comfort. That is not true religion. On the contrary, it is one more samskar, one more ditch, and we fight on those ditches, don’t we? We make trenches for self-defense and shoot it out, don’t we? Do we have the ability to cross over these things? I would say yes, if you have courage. You need courage to transcend the barriers and limitations, to be free. That is liberation. In this you do not condemn any particular religion or dogma, or put one against the other. Your True Self, your shining purity, your joy, your Satchidananda—truth, consciousness and bliss—does not need a label. That is why the sages had the greatest courage to say—“Thou art That.” They did not say thou art Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian, Jew or any other faith. Thou art That.

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