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      Behind this physical nature is an astral aspect that in some languages is called devas (“shining beings” in Sanskrit), angels or spirits. Nature’s creative beauty is such that once you realize Her inner expression by your concentration, meditation, prayer, by being a child of God, you will see that a mountain is not inert; it is a living being. Nowadays we believe that the trees and other plants are living beings but in earlier times we did not even believe that. According to many ancient and indigenous traditions, the clouds, the air, the sun and all aspects of nature are living beings. They begin to express and reveal themselves.
      When we come to childlike simplicity we will be blessed. We will experience revelations and the mind’s clouds will scatter in no time, regardless of the outer weather or our mental conceptions. Then mountains speak to us, the clouds, the air and the sun speak to us. Not in words as we are talking—they communicate with us directly. Language is not necessary there. And when that happens you will no longer fight with nature, not only outer nature but with your mind, your personal nature. This begins to open up in such a way that the hidden treasures and wealth within us begin to shine out. And wonder of wonders, the whole of creation no longer seems confusing or chaotic but a well-planned, disciplined, lawful expression, perfectly in tune with Divine law.

      When you come to this revelation, you will find that creation is perfect, that nature is perfect justice. We fail to see these things because of our selfishness, ignorance and clouded minds. When the mind becomes clear we can see the justice of God’s creation. Any other laws—man-made, social or legal—can have exceptions. Spiritual law has no exceptions. God is justice Himself. He is perfect. We begin to see these things.
      Whether we are aware of it or not, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. As we come in tune with the perfection of nature, that Light begins to reveal everything. It is a beautiful divine play, a Garden of Eden. Why does it often seem otherwise? Because our minds get clouded by our own desires, by our unnatural living, by our superfluous personalities. That is why Prophets and holy people have been emphatic that we should be simple and childlike, real and transparent, sincere and honest, true to ourselves. This is how we come in tune with nature and find the joy and peace and perfect plan of God’s kingdom.
      This world is illusory, transitory and changeful, yet this very world is also divine. All the sources of energy, solar, electrical, magnetic or other, are also in our bodies and minds. We do not know how to tap those sources, even though this knowledge is within us, because we have created a false personality that is contrary to simplicity. If we become simple children of Mother Divine or Father in heaven, these clouds of unknowing will scatter. Wonderfully, nature will reveal. The Vedic sages have said, Anir Vachaneeyam— “Thou art indescribable, fathomless!” We cannot really describe that beauty. We have to experience this as revelation.

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